每日归档: 2021年10月8日


近日美国媒体对阿富汗撤军灾难的追究已无声息,围剿川普及其支持者则从未松懈并在加紧,如彭斯所指出:媒体关注致命的 1 月 6 日暴乱是为了 “贬低” 特朗普的支持者;盖川普及其支持者仍抓住追查大选中的弊端不放,对1月6日国会山事件,川普称这是对操纵选举的合法抗议。 “真正的起义”发生在 2020 年总统选举期间,而民调:超半数选民认为特朗普比拜登更适合当美国总统(2021-09-21 10:05:16 来源: 中国新闻网)。双方均自称是在维护美国的民主制度,究竟谁是,等待历史检验吧。


特朗普在 1 月 6 日众议院调查中援引行政特权 加拿大新闻社

特朗普告诉 4 名官员忽略 1 月 6 日委员会苏波纳: 报告 赫夫波斯特

1月6日委员会向右翼活动家阿里·亚历山大及其同伙发出传票 雅虎新闻

众议院防暴委员会发出新的传票, 因为特朗普告诉前助手战斗 独立报

特朗普律师指示前助手违抗 1 月 6 日委员会传票 一周

特朗普向代理司法部长抱怨: 你什么都不会帮助我 “推翻” 选举 每日野兽

许多 1 月 6 日的集会组织者准备遵守委员会, 特朗普的高级助手预计会拒绝美国广播公司新闻

特朗普的助手们准备躲避 1 月 6 日的传票 , 包括一个国会防暴小组甚至找不到 独立报

特朗普律师指示前助手违抗 1 月 6 日委员会  一周  
报告详细说明特朗普全面试图推翻选举结果 美联社

美国参议院民主党人就特朗普推翻选举一事提供新细节 路透社

参议院报告详述特朗普在衰落日为削弱 2020 年选举所做的戏剧性努力 赫夫邮报

特朗普抨击麦康奈尔 “向民主党屈服”, 暂时取消债务上限 商业内幕


在亚利桑那州 “审计” 听证会上, 共和党国会议员拒绝说拜登赢得了选举 雅虎新闻



律师们正在准备试图迫使苏格兰政府对特朗普的高尔夫球场展开 “麦克马菲亚” 调查商业内幕

视频尼基 · 海利在转变中说, 2024 年的候选资格不取决于特朗普是否参选 雅虎新闻视频

律师们正在准备试图迫使苏格兰政府对特朗普的高尔夫球场展开 “麦克马菲亚” 调查商业内幕


独立报特朗普 “谋杀 – 自杀” 风格的协议, 推翻选举在最近几天透露


特朗普在这个 Sc 县大获全胜。为什么地方共和党想要 “详尽无遗” 的选举审计?

唐纳德·特朗普为1月6日事件辩护, 说 “真正的起义”发生在 2020 年总统选举期间

彭斯: 媒体关注致命的 1 月 6 日暴乱是为了 “贬低” 特朗普的支持者

彭斯: 媒体关注致命的 1 月 6 日暴乱是为了 “贬低” 特朗普的支持者(雅虎新闻Tue., October 5, 2021, 10:18 p.m.)

法官抨击 1 月 6 日暴乱者受到不公平待遇的说法一名法官判处一名国会暴动被告45天监禁,尽管检察官没有要求监禁


川普总统最新声明!(midu8801 2021-10-05)

法官抨击 1 月 6 日暴乱者受到不公平待遇的说法加拿大新闻社2021年10月5日,星期二,1:39.m。)

今日美国 | “选举颠覆”指控:唐纳德·特朗普和盟友寻找挑战选票的新方法(2021年10月5日,星期二,1:07.m。)


众议院小组传唤 1 月 6 日特朗普集会的组织者(赫芬顿邮报2021 年 9 月 30 日,星期四,上午 7:40)

不忍了?特朗普要求美法官“强迫”推特恢复其账号,还指责国会议员实施“胁迫”环球网资讯2021-10-02 17:38)

商业内幕 | 唐纳德·特朗普的律师乞求佛罗里达州的联邦法官强迫 Twitter 恢复他的帐户(2021年10月2日,星期六,晚上8:52.m)

拜登要玩真格:开始把美国市场经济变成计划经济!萧参客 2021-10-02 作者:The Editorial Board、Wenhe Lu

“诚实的乔” 怎么了?乔·拜登总统的承诺正在变成谎言。(今日美国2021年10月1日,晚上8:00.m。)


支持美国分裂?“令人震惊新民调”:41%拜登支持者、52%特朗普支持者赞同红蓝州脱离联邦(环球网资讯2021-10-02 10:14)


美国海军陆战队说, 他被拍到从喀布尔疏散婴儿, 因在特朗普集会上讲话而接受调查(独立报2021年10月1日,星期五,上午8:00.m)

(美国)国土安全部官员告诉五角大楼,在国会骚乱开始后,”没有重大非法活动事件”独立报Thu., September 30, 2021, 12:13 a.m.)

共和党切尼为米利提供强有力的辩护, 援引 1 月 6 日国会暴乱(路透社2021年9月30日,星期四,2:51a.m.)

改口了?米利:假如美国真的发动攻击,“我当然不会”警告中国环球时报军事2021-09-30 12:29)

米利告诉佩洛西, 当她对前总统使用核武器表示担忧时, 他没有资格确定特朗普的 “心理健康”商业内幕2021年9月28日,星期二,晚上10:30.m)

美国参联会主席证实了同中国军方高层的“两次密电”,还披露了更多内情(环球网资讯2021-09-29 10:57)


最高将军作证与南希佩洛西通话讨论核攻击,唐纳德特朗普是否“疯了”(People2021 年 9 月 29 日,星期三,晚上 11:41)


The Feds Have Made 625+ Capitol Riot Arrests. They Still Have A Long Way To Go.


Ryan J. ReillyThu.,
HuffPost October 7, 2021, 12:57 a.m.2021年10月7日 12:57 a.m













SeditionHunters.org 网站已经确认了2000多人,它说,在国会大厦内1月6日。(图片:SeditionHunters.org)
SeditionHunters.org 网站已经确认了2000多人,它说,在国会大厦内1月6日。(图片:SeditionHunters.org)





有很多案件在进行中,包括北卡罗来纳州的马修·贝丁菲尔德(他与警察搏斗,并冲进国会大厦,同时因谋杀未遂而出狱),华盛顿州的泰勒·塔兰托(一个县共和党网站站长,他拿着武器冲进国会大厦,想知道今年夏天联邦何时会”让这个政党滚滚而来! 和大卫·沃尔斯-考夫曼,国会山脊医谁住在他冲进的建筑物的视线,而穿着独特的夹克。

安东尼奥· 拉莫塔是卡农的信徒, 去年 11 月与维茨一起前往费城为特朗普联合创始人约书亚 · 马西亚斯。拉莫塔和马西亚斯在交保前在监狱里呆了大约一个月。国会大厦袭击事件后,费城检察官决定撤销他们的保释金,称他们当时在D.C,而马西亚斯的演讲帮助煽动了暴民。据《每日野兽报》报道,拉莫塔在CNN与国会大厦的誓言守护者成员的录像中被抓获。






现在, 拉莫塔就像很多特朗普的支持者冲进国会大厦: 等着看他的时间什么时候到来。

这篇文章最初出现在赫夫波斯特, 并已更新。


Ryan J. ReillyThu., October 7, 2021, 12:57 a.m.·6 min read

Nine months after the Capitol attack, the feds have charged more than 625 people. At the current pace, they'd still be bringing new cases in 2024.  (Photo: Illustration: Damon Dahlen/HuffPost; Photos: Getty/U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia)
Nine months after the Capitol attack, the feds have charged more than 625 people. At the current pace, they’d still be bringing new cases in 2024. (Photo: Illustration: Damon Dahlen/HuffPost; Photos: Getty/U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia)

Last November, as then-President Donald Trump ramped up his dangerous lies about mass voter fraud, a man hopped into a Hummer bearing a QAnon sticker and headed to a Philadelphia vote-counting location to stop what he believed was an election that was being stolen. The QAnon obsessive, along with a co-founder of Vets for Trump, were arrested by Philadelphia police, who found them in possession of an AR-style rifle and a samurai sword.

Two months later, in the nation’s capital, the same QAnon follower stormed the U.S. Capitol, entering the building alongside dozens of fellow conspiracy theorists who had bought into Trump’s lies about the outcome of the 2020 election. Now, nine months after the Jan. 6 attack, he’s one of hundreds of Trump supporters who were captured on video violating federal law that day, but who haven’t yet faced federal charges for their conduct.

Federal authorities have posted some impressive numbers in the nine months since Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in support of his lies about a stolen election, and then left the scene without being arrested, leaving behind injured officers and millions of dollars in damage and security costs. The feds have made more than 625 arrests since Jan. 6 as part of what authorities have repeatedly described as one of the largest investigative and prosecutorial efforts in American history.

Yet even with hundreds of arrests and months of painstaking work in the unprecedented investigation, federal authorities have arrested just a fraction of all the potential defendants who were captured on video committing criminal offenses that prosecutors have said warrant charges.

Law enforcement was unprepared and overwhelmed by the onslaught of pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6. Now, law enforcement is at risk of being overwhelmed by the mob of Jan. 6 cases that are flooding the system at every step.

In the weeks after the attack, law enforcement officials estimated that 800 people had entered the Capitol. That number stuck around in media coverage for months, becoming a benchmark against which the FBI’s progress has been measured. The 800 figure has been mentioned in stories as recently as this week.

In reality, as online sleuths have discovered over the past several months, that’s only a fraction of the scope of criminal activity that day. A HuffPost analysis of public-facing data on the Capitol attack, combined with the findings of online investigators working under the #SeditionHunters moniker, shows that the total number of Jan. 6 participants who could face charges if identified tops 2,500.

Federal investigators have quietly ticked up their own estimate. In a budget request earlier this year, the FBI told Congress that “approximately 2000 individuals are believed to have been involved with the siege.” Law enforcement officials did not dispute HuffPost’s 2,500 figure.

That means federal authorities have charged about 25% of the suspects who could face criminal charges for their conduct on Jan. 6. At the current pace, it would take federal authorities until early 2024 to bring cases against 2,500 defendants. And some of the easiest cases to bring, the “low-hanging fruit,” have already been charged.

Online investigators, who have been responsible for identifying countless Jan. 6 defendants and will play a role in dozens of forthcoming FBI cases, have counted more than 2,000 individuals they say breached the Capitol building. These sleuths refer to the people they say they spotted inside the Capitol as “Sedition Insiders,” and have collected the highest-quality image they’ve found of each rioter (even if that photo was snapped while the suspect was outside the Capitol).

Of that group of “Sedition Insiders,” the Sedition Hunters believe, more than 1,500 are still at large.

The SeditionHunters.org website has identified more than 2,000 people it says were inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6. (Photo: SeditionHunters.org)
The SeditionHunters.org website has identified more than 2,000 people it says were inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6. (Photo: SeditionHunters.org)

Hundreds more potential defendants who were not spotted inside the building are either publicly wanted by the FBI for activities outside the Capitol, or were captured on video committing crimes but not on the FBI’s website.

The FBI’s Capitol violence webpage, which was upgraded in February and now lists 475 suspects, features roughly 350 suspects who are still at large.

Images on the FBI's website of Trump supporters wanted for assaulting federal officers on Jan. 6. (Photo: FBI)
Images on the FBI’s website of Trump supporters wanted for assaulting federal officers on Jan. 6. (Photo: FBI)

Most of the thousands of people who passed police barricades and were on restricted grounds at the Capitol on Jan. 6 will never be charged. On the west side of the building alone, according to an analysis Carnegie Mellon University researchers conducted for The Washington Post, there were more than 9,400 people. Officers were outnumbered more than 58 to 1.

There are plenty of cases in the works, including presumably the arrests of Matthew Beddingfield of North Carolina (who fought with police and stormed the Capitol while out on bond for attempted murder), Taylor Taranto of Washington state (a county GOP webmaster who stormed the Capitol with a weapon and wondered this summer when the feds would “get this party rolling!”), and David Walls-Kaufman, a Capitol Hill chiropractor who lives within sight of the building he stormed while wearing a distinctive jacket.

Antonio LaMotta is the QAnon believer who traveled to Philadelphia with Vets for Trump co-founder Joshua Macias last November. LaMotta and Macias spent about a month behind bars before posting bail. After the Capitol attack, Philadelphia prosecutors moved to revoke their bail, saying they were in D.C. at the time and that Macias gave a speech that helped incite the mob. LaMotta, as the Daily Beast reported, was caught in CNN footage with members of the Oath Keepers on Capitol grounds.

At a hearing in January, LaMotta’s lawyer argued that LaMotta was “clearly just standing there” at the Capitol. A Philadelphia judge increased LaMotta’s $750,000 bail by $15,000, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, meaning that LaMotta had to pay $1,500 to get out of jail again. Both men were barred from attending rallies or using social media.

At the time, authorities didn’t know whether either of the men entered the Capitol. But online sleuths managed to find LaMotta inside. Back in June, a member of a sleuthing group named Capitol Terrorists Exposers spotted LaMotta in surveillance footage released in connection with another Capitol case, against Grady Owens, who came to D.C. with his extended family and appears to have been identified by federal authorities using facial recognition.

The footage shows LaMotta inside the Capitol as police try to force the mob back outside. LaMotta is on the front line and comes face to face with officers. He makes no attempt to retreat, and when he’s eventually shoved toward the doorway, he appears to try to stay inside despite a clear path to the exit.

Knowing that LaMotta was at the eastern doors of the Capitol that lead into the rotunda, sleuths ― sometimes using the hashtag #IAmAntonioLamotta ― found clear footage that featured the man at the top of the Capitol steps as the battle between police and Trump supporters continued.

An attorney who represented LaMotta in his Philadelphia case did not respond to requests for comment in June or this month, and the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office and the FBI didn’t comment on a potential federal case against LaMotta.

For now, LaMotta is like a lot of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol: waiting to see when his time will come.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.